I now know what it feels like to be lost. It was traumatic, to say the least, and I am at least old enough to know to stay calm and to find someone that can help me. I can't even begin to imagine how frightening it is to a child who sees the world as a much bigger place, and them being a much smaller being, being unable to find their way home, to the comfort of the people that they love.
I freaked out, though, I think anyone would in that situation, but I managed to calm down. I wondered around an unfamiliar area until I really did not know where I was anymore. I only saw 1 familiar building, not that I knew where my house was from there. Man, it was like being a kid again.
Finally! I had found it, a fire station. They drive around and fight fires, so they must have known where I live. I finally worked up my courage and walked up to the front door, which didn't have a path to so I had to walk through the lawn. A little arrow pointed to the door bell, I pressed it, and nothing. I glanced at the window, a note hung from it by tape. I looked at the note, they had moved buildings. "Great, just great," I thought, "just my luck."
I continued to wonder, and as I did, I approached a elementary school. I walked passed, I glanced at the front door, there it was, in big letters, City Hall and Police Station. I almost cried from relief, actually, I already was crying. I walked into the police half and found the warm face of a nice old lady. We talked and she got someone to get me home, and show me my way home from school.
Not only that, she has the same last name as me! But what's even more amazing, her daughter has the same name as me! How crazy is that. I should make her cookies.
What was I so scared of in the first place?
Why were there so many tears on my face?
There was something to believe in,
But I never saw that in the beginin'.
Somebody saved me, somebody saved me.
Somebody saved me in my time of need.
Now I know, angels still walk the ground.
Silent angels that never make a sound.